How do I know if I have a vocation to religious life?

The knowledge of a religious vocation is arrived at through a process of discernment – a decision reached in prayer through the help of the Holy Spirit. There are several steps that help a person discern a vocation.

·    Develop a personal prayer life and participate in liturgical prayer.
·    Be in touch with your deepest desires.
·    Use a good decision-making process.
·    Confirm your decision with a spiritual guide or director.

Sisters of Mount Carmel

What is the first step in the discernment process?

The first step is to contact the vocation director who will assist you in the discernment process by:

·    Acquainting you with the congregation and its mission.
·    Providing you with opportunities to participate in community activities, prayer and other gatherings.
·    Arranging visits to local communities.
·    Explaining the various stages of the formation program.
·    If appropriate, familiarizing you with the affiliate program.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for women who strive to:

·    Deepen their personal relationship with God through the liturgy and personal prayer.
·    Understand and have a desire to serve the People of God in some form of Church ministry.
·    Be well balanced individuals.
·    Be mature and independent.
·    Be able to live in community with others and share their gifts with the group.