The four postulants of the Sisters of Mount Carmel from Timor-Leste: Rosita dos Santos, Natalina Exposto, Anastacia Lima, and Maria Serene moved to the Philippines on March 12, 2015 for the next stage of their formation program. Before their trip to the Philippines, the sisters together with their families, friends and the Carmelite fathers and brothers in Beilaco, Zumalai gathered together for a Eucharistic celebration and a thanksgiving meal.  As they finished their months of postulancy in Timor-Leste they were sent out with prayerful wishes on their  journey to the next stage of their formation in the Philippines. Sister Mailyn Batocabe, O. Carm., their formator in Timor-Leste accompanied them on their trip to the Philippines. Sister Mailyn stayed with them until May 3, 2015 to assess them in the early months as they transitioned to another culture. The four Timorese postulants will join the postulancy program of the sisters in the Philippines. The postulancy program will start on June 1, 2015 at the Sisters of Mount Carmel Formation House in Balugo, Dumaguete City.  Sister Elma Calajatan, O. Carm., will be journeying with them as their formator with the assistance of Sister Andrée Marie Bindewald, O. Carm.

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(From L-R) Anastacia Lima, Rosita dos Santos, Maria Serene, and Natalina Exposto 

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