The Sisters of Mount Carmel opened their new mission in Zumalai, Timor-Leste last July 18, 2013.  In January 25, 2014, four young women joined and underwent the In-aspirancy program with the guidance of Sister Mailyn Batocabe and Sister Remedios Natonton.  Natalina Da Cunha Exposto, Rosita Dos Santos, Anastacia Soares Da Silva Lima and Maria Simao Sirene had their discernment retreat on May 21 – 26, 2014 and continued their journey to Carmel in their Postulancy program.



Natalina Da Cunha Exposto was born on December 22, 1992 to Mr. Gerardo Exposto and Mrs. Rosa Quina Gudinho.  She is from Deleco, Railaco, Ermera Timor-Leste.  She graduated her Secondary General Course from Nino Conis Santana in Gleno, Ermera, Timor-Leste before joining the Sisters of Mount Carmel in Timor-Leste.


rositaRosita Dos Santos joined the Sisters of Mount Carmel Timor-Leste on January 25, 2014 in their live-in Aspirancy program.  She was born on September 10, 1988 at Atara, Atsabe, Ermera, Timor-Leste to Mr. Abrao Tai Manu (deceased) and Mrs. Adriana Motu Mali.  She graduated her Secondary Education on August 10, 2009 from Escola Tecnica Agricola de Moleana in Ermera, Timor-Leste and took up Bachelor in Agriculture from Universidade de Nasional Timor Lorosae.


mariaMaria Simao Sirene is from Faturilau, Liquidoe, Aileu, Timor-Leste.  She was born on January 27, 1993 to Mr. Pedro Da Costa  and Mrs. Clementina Da Costa.  In September 25, 2013 she finished her Secondary General Course from Secundaria Cinco De Maiu in Beroca, Dili, Timor-Leste.  She joined the live-in aspirancy of the Sisters of Mount Carmel on January 25, 2014.


anastaciaAnastacia Soares Da Silva Lima is from Lauana, Telefoho, Ermera, timor-Leste.  She was born on April 14, 1990 to Mr. Jacinto Da Silva and Mrs. Jacinta De Lima.  In November 30, 2011 she received her diploma on Secondary Education and attended courses in English and Computer from Esola Publica Finantil, in Dom Aleixo, Dili, Timor-Leste.  She joined the live-in Aspirancy program of the Sisters of Mount Carmel, Timor-Leste on January 25, 2014.